

So we finished up with Act 1.  This book has so much information from the start of Tombstone, American Indians and Billy the Kid, and much more.  This first Act touched lightly on Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday, but the author is just giving a little background.  Ready to start Act 2.  We have started a Podcast called Nerding Out, where we (my son and I) talk alittle bit about the book, other books, and also things that make no sense sometimes LOL.  Please enjoy the Podcast to be airing soon.
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We made episode 2 of the pod cast. That was so hilarious, I hope you all get a chance to watch it. We are getting close to the end now with Tombstone. A lot of what I have read right now, is nothing close to the movie, so my more interesting history in this book. I am really enjoying it. I think anyone who loves history and the wild west will like this book.

Tara Richardson

Here is the link for the Podcast on Tombstone. I hope you enjoy it. We had fun making it. The book is getting there, lol, as long as you read it lol. Watch the Podcast and you will understand that statement lol. God Bless you.

Tara Richardson

So, we had some hiccups with the Pod Cast, we had to redo it and hopefully will be up on Friday. I can’t wait for that. We are also starting Act 3, of this book and we will see what happens with the Earps this time!!

Tara Richardson

The Second Act was amazing!! I will release the podcast, as soon as editing is finished. The second pod cast will come soon after that. Thank you Aleta!

Tara Richardson

Look forward to podcast

Aleta Shoemaker

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