The Dusty Bookshelf
Bankrupt - David Limbaugh
Bankrupt - David Limbaugh
That's what the Democrats are when it comes to new ideas, or to defending America, or to doing anything more than protecting their own narrow political interests.
Exaggeration? Hardly. Bestselling author David Limbaugh quotes the Democrats to devastating effect - as a party that has reduced its mind and heart to the level of intellectual and moral bankruptcy.
Limbaugh reveals the liberal activist judges who want to rewrite the Constitution, the left-wing moral relativists who want to overturn traditional morality in the name of liberal "values," and the unrepentant left-wing racists whose economic ideas are no more than tired class warfare.
If you want the dirt on the Democrats-and all in their own self-damning words-here it is. In sobering detail, Bankrupt highlights the dangers of what a democratic resurgence could mean for America, and what Republicans can do to regain control of the country.